We are blessed with women who are passionate about God at Lewsey Pentecostal Church.
So, if you are a woman looking to do life and faith with other women, this may just be the place for you!
This is a fellowship of women empowered by the Holy Spirit to be the voice of hope in the community of Lewsey and beyond.
Whether you are just exploring, new to the Christian faith or a mature believer, you are welcome to join us as we study God’s word and pray, and establish new friendships.
Becoming the woman the Lord wants you to be is a journey. The primary objective, therefore, is intentional discipleship, providing women of all ages a place to encourage and build each other up.
The diversity of age, experience and backgrounds brings a rich mix of wisdom and input.
We have an exciting program of events throughout the year. Additionally, we have the annual women's conference. The theme for 2021 was, 'Discovering My Purpose in God'.
If you would like to know more, please contact us.